reated with TaskStreamSolar System Presentation







Student spoke in loud and in a clear voice throughout the entire presentation. Student faced the audience the entire presentation and was respectful while other people in their group were speaking.

Student spoke in loud and in a clear voice throughout most of the presentation. Student faced the audience most of the presentation and was respectful while other people in their group were speaking.

Student did not speak in loud and in a clear voice during the presentation presentation. Student did not face the audience during the presentation. Student was disrespectful while the other students in the group presented.



The group presented the planets distance from the sun, the planets temperature and how the sun affects it, and two physical features of the assigned planet

The group is missing one piece of information required in the presentation.

The group is missing two or pieces of information required in the presentation.


Group work

Students collaborated well with group members and participated during the research.

Students did not divide the work evenly, but every member of the group participate at some point during the research

Student did not participate in the research portion of the assignment.


Participation during presentation

The group all spot an equal amount during the presentation.

Some students spoke a little more than the other group members.

One or more of the students spoke very little or not at all.